Options to Consider If you are Permanently Disabled


In our everyday lives, some of us may be engaged in high risk work in the workplace. These people are more at risk of suffering an injury or some sort, or in some cases, death. No matter how careful you are, the environment and people around you might pose an element of danger. In some cases, employees may encounter an injury outside of their workplace or even at home. There are serious injuries which may lead to permanent disability, and in this article, we will expound on the aftermath of these injuries.

What is permanent disability?

Permanent disability is when an employee is unable to continue working when he has the skills to do so, due to an incapacitating injury. The onus is on the employee to prove that he or she is unable to continue employment, through medical reports and declarations from the medical practitioner. Some of them could include: amputation of a limb, cancer, car accident, heart attack, mental illness, or even injuries at the workplace or home. When that happens, they can file for a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claim, subjected to a few conditions.

What is a TPD claim?

In Australia, companies have a superannuation fund which would pay out after the employee has retired, where he/she would get a monthly payout. In the case of a successful TPD claim, the employee is able to make a partial or full draw out from the fund. In order to make a claim, they have to meet these requirements: to be incapable of any employment in which they are qualified by education, training or experience due to illness or injury. They also have to be under 65 years of age, have an active insurance policy in force, and must have ceased employment as a result of the illness or injury.

What happens if you are permanently disabled?

Protecting yourself and following the safety requirements are the most important aspect, but what about the financial aspect if you are permanently disabled? If you are the sole breadwinner in the family, this could be a huge problem. Most companies would have an insurance policy in effect to safeguard the health and financial aspect for their employees. In certain cases, they may even offer the employee alternative employment.

Hiring a lawyer

In some cases, the insurance company has refused to pay out the claims for a debilitating injury as they would know the different ways to exploit the many loopholes. For the common layman who is suffering, this can cause a great deal of stress to him/her. By hiring a lawyer to fight the legal battle with the insurance company, you are able to have a higher chance of winning the case and getting the insurance company to process the claims, if the evidence is in your favour. The lawyer is also able to help you in claiming from the superannuation fund, either for an early release, or a partial payout.

Suffering from an incapacitating injury can be costly, in terms of the emotional and financial aspect. On the emotional aspect, it is advisable to seek counselling advice if you feel that you are depressed or even suffering from a mental illness. On the financial aspect, it is always good to plan ahead and purchase an insurance policy which suits your needs.

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